About Mrsneat
I'm Maris, an accountant for over 10 years. I was feeling bored sometimes with my eight to five job, and totally neglecting both my physical and mental health. I have a lot of dreams, but that seems impossible to achieve.
This was until I read a blog about planning and the benefits it brings. I was not convinced at first, but like everyone said, there is no fault in trying. And guess what, after a month or so it really helped me to organize my life a little bit and I have ton of fun doing it.

After a while, I started to create my own planners to adjust the existing planner for my personal needs to organize my spare time better and break down my dream into short and long term goals with visible steps. And you know, it struck me that I have fun designing it too!

Today, I am happy with my career as an accountant, and have a side hustle to open cookie shop with two employees that support me. I'm also maintaining a healthy diet and exercise at daily basis.
My planners help me to achieve my everyday goals and keep me on the right path so I'm always motivated daily.
With this shop, I share my planners with you, hoping they will help you like they helped me.

Sincerely Yours,